The bibliographical project
CELSALTS will be organized into a general structure, adjusted to its informative aims and divided into a series of main LISTINGS.

The LISTINGS will also be divided into two types: Translations, on the one hand, and literary research in African Studies, on the other hand. Within the first group, there will be a different section devoted to every European source language rooted in Africa, no matter how deeply: Afrikaans, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. Regarding the second group, there will be a single listing including, if any, bibliographical entries dealing with all original language traditions and with a full or partial focus on the matter.

All the main or secondary listings will always be organized according to at least the following standard reference data: the writer's or editor's surname(s), full names of writer(s) or editor(s), title, year and place of publication, publisher(s) and number of pages. In addition, the ISBN/ISSN codes will also be included as a complementary aid in finding the quoted texts.

All the same, under the
Translations and
Research headings there will two sections, respectively devoted to the original literature of Equatorial Guinea (the only sub-Saharan African country that speaks Spanish) and the international and Spanish research on that literature.

Finally, it is obvious that a project like this will never be closed or finished. As all Internet sites deserving that name, this one will also enjoy an ongoing and never ending-process of improvement and information enlargement.